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Room Tip
An Illuminating Experience

Regardless how much natural light pours into your child's room, there are times when artificial light is necessary. Growth spurts, tastes and habits should dictate what kind of manmade illumination you choose. Here are some adaptable options:

Theatrical gels cast blue light in a white room

Clip-on Lights: Illuminating tight spots, a clip-on clamps to a shelf, the edge or a desk or a headboard. The clip should grip firmly so it won't fall and pose a fire hazard.

Dresser and Nightstand Lamps: Decorative as well as functional, dresser and nightstand lamps suited for kids should be easy for them to turn on and off.

Lamps with three-way bulbs on the high setting act as reading lights; on low, they serve as night lights.

Gooseneck and Drafting Lamps: These adjustable freestanding task lights adapt well to work areas. A budding artist can use a gooseneck to shed light on a drawing surface. When he or she matures, a gooseneck can concentrate light on a study space.

Track Lights:
The most versatile light system, tracks come in varied lengths accommodating one or more fixtures ranging from round, square or rectangular cylinders, to clip-on lamps and low voltage spots. Because they tilt in any direction, they allow many illumination effects.

Retractable Lights: A fixture on a retractable cord brings lighting down to child level. As growth and need dictate, it can be raised or lowered.

Before investing in any light, evaluate the light level in your child's room. This is affected by the room's predominant colors, ranging from decorations to coverings on the floor, walls and ceiling. A white space, for instance, reflects a larger amount of light than a dark space that absorbs light. A room with dark wall covering, therefore, requires brighter light than the same room would with light painted walls.

A bulb is as relevant to lighting as a fixture. Use the bulb type indicated and never exceed suggested wattage. -- Ro Logrippo

For a room tip on cardboard furnishings see this page

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Living & Learning Environments
39506 N. Daisy Mountain Dr, Ste. 122-180
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